Saturday, February 9, 2013


So what if there are 2 feet of snow on the ground and Mr. Mulch and I will spend most of the day snowplowing and shoveling?  We didn't lose power or internet, which means that I could happily spend the morning (while waiting for the gale force winds to subside) drooling over perennial catalogs and dreaming about being able to see the bare ground again.

Never mind that the snow is as high as the raised beds, and there are no contours visible on the terraced path up to the back hill.  I can see them; I know where they're hidden.  So this morning, I fired up the online catalogs and did some damage.

Two years ago our good friends Cheryl and Tom gifted us a big bag of Badger Gladioli (they're lunatic Wisconsin fans) and they were spectacular.  And surprise, surprise -- they reappeared the next year, probably because the winter was so mild.  Certainly not because I took care of them the way I was supposed to; I'm far too undisciplined to dig up the corms, clean them off, wrap them up, and coddle them all winter.  Besides, I've killed every plant I've ever brought into the house, so they were better off buried where they were.

But this year, we're clearly having a real winter again, so if I want Gladioli, I'll have to take steps.  So... this morning I ordered...

Zoe Glamini® Gladiolus
... 20 of these...
Gladiolus Mix
... 30 of these...

Christopher Glamini® Gladiolus
... and 20 of these!

Because someday, I will be able to see the ground again. And please remind me how much I was anticipating this when I start complaining about having to plant 70 bulbs!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous.
    We will certainly gift again if we ever do another Madison visit in the Spring.
    1. "lunatic Wisconsin fan" is a triple redundancy
    2. we resemble that remark.
