Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Idyll, Interrupted

Fair warning: this post will have no original photos associated with it for reasons that will be glaringly clear shortly.

We had one of those picture perfect spring mornings a few days ago.  Bright sunshine, low humidity, the garden freshly washed from showers the night before, birds tweeting (the original kind, not on twitter).  You could almost hear the soundtrack from the scene in Snow White where she wakes up in the forest surrounded by all the animals.

Snow White and her forest friends

The hemlock trees rustled a bit in a light breeze, their shadows dancing on the hill.  Twitterpated squirrels chased one another up and down tree trunks.  A chipmunk scampered into sight, and stopped to savor the early sunshine on the top of a stone wall in a rare moment of rodent repose. It was a totally bucolic moment, which I was idly observing through the bathroom window while I brushed my teeth, waiting for the morning fog to clear from my brain. 

Then... WHOOMP!

A hawk swooped in from the left, speared the chipmunk on its talons, and carried it off.

I stood there slack-jawed, as my toothbrush hit the floor and the reality of what just happened sank in.  I guess there were no hawks in Snow White's forest!

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